About international shipping
We are shipping overseas. You can order from the shopping cart.
Please feel free to contact us.
Please feel free to contact us.
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Translate webpages in Chrome
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. Go to a webpage written in another language.
3. On the right of the address bar, click Translate.
4. Click on your preferred language.
5. Chrome will translate your current webpage.
Not working?
Try refreshing the web page. If it’s still not working, right-click anywhere on the page.
Then, click Translate to [Language].
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. Go to a webpage written in another language.
3. On the right of the address bar, click Translate.
4. Click on your preferred language.
5. Chrome will translate your current webpage.
Not working?
Try refreshing the web page. If it’s still not working, right-click anywhere on the page.
Then, click Translate to [Language].
Shipping method
Shipping costs are automatically calculated on the cart screen.
There are no additional charges later.
Please keep in mind that when your order reaches, your national customs may ask you to pay some importation taxes.
There are two shipping methods :
1. International shipping - Standard 海外専用
International shipping with tracking number, will take 6-10 business days.It is not guaranteed for missing or damage.
Shipping is free for orders of 15,500 yens or more.
This shipping method is not available for a delivery destination in Japan.
2. International shipping - Insured 海外専用
International shipping with tracking number, will take 4-7 business days.It is insured against being missing or damaged.
Shipping is free for product order amount 38,000 yens or more.
This shipping method is not available for a delivery destination in Japan.
*There are other companies' services for overseas shipping >>>https://www.tenso.com/en
This method is recommended if you want to ship your purchases from other stores in Japan together.
There are no additional charges later.
Please keep in mind that when your order reaches, your national customs may ask you to pay some importation taxes.
There are two shipping methods :
1. International shipping - Standard 海外専用
International shipping with tracking number, will take 6-10 business days.It is not guaranteed for missing or damage.
Shipping is free for orders of 15,500 yens or more.
This shipping method is not available for a delivery destination in Japan.
2. International shipping - Insured 海外専用
International shipping with tracking number, will take 4-7 business days.It is insured against being missing or damaged.
Shipping is free for product order amount 38,000 yens or more.
This shipping method is not available for a delivery destination in Japan.
*There are other companies' services for overseas shipping >>>https://www.tenso.com/en
This method is recommended if you want to ship your purchases from other stores in Japan together.
Explanation of cart screen
This is explaination how to enter the cart screen and how to select
Login or register as ashop member *Not required

Choose shipping method

Shipping address

Payment method
We accept only credit card payment.
Please be assured that your card number will not be disclosed to us.
We use encrypted communication for security.
We will ship within 1-2 business days. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Japanese holidays.)
Please be assured that your card number will not be disclosed to us.
We use encrypted communication for security.
We will ship within 1-2 business days. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Japanese holidays.)

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